Home Heating Options

  • Underfloor Heating
  • Heat Pump Install & Service
  • Solar Install & Service
  • Heat Recovery Ventilation Service
  • Smart Heating Controls

RGII – Registered Gas Installers Ireland

Since 2006, the Commission for Energy Regulation (CER) has worked with the gas industry to put in place a new regulatory system to supervise the work of gas installers with respect to safety. This new statutory-based regulatory system has replaced the previous voluntary register operated by Bord Gaìs.


OFTEC – Oil Fired Technical Association


OFTEC establishes the standards for competence within the domestic oil heating and cooking industry. By ensuring the quality of people and businesses working in this area, OFTEC maintains standards for reputable companies and consumers alike.

SEAI Certified

SEAI – Sustainable Energy Authority Ireland


The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland was established as Ireland’s national energy authority under the Sustainable Energy Act 2002. SEAI’s mission is to play a leading role in transforming Ireland into a society based on sustainable energy structures, technologies and practices.

Everything you need to know about applying for a home energy grant can be found from a click of a button below !

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